Wednesday 5 April 2017

MIGRATION submission for listening

A listening room is a place where we listen and talk about what we hear. All submissions should be sent to alisteningroom (at) and be clearly titled MIGRATION SUBMISSION.

Migration is something it seems we have all been forced to think about today. In some ways I feel reluctant to grapple such a hot public topic, and I feel even more reluctant to write about it. Yet the incentive is exactly that, how do we grapple with an issue that is not only in the news but also very important? A topic that is effecting or which more then likely will effect everyone in the world. Migration brings about images of other things too, immigration, and being a refugee are in a sense all different levels of human movement around the globe. But so is the migration of animals and non-human entities. While we often present animal migration as normal, and we understand that human hunter gatherers must migrate, how is it that most humans find it so hard to move that we describe such activities as uprooting, as if we are taken away from the very soil that nourishes and keeps us alive, when in fact looking at animal migration, it is precisely this movement that allows for survival.

These are not neutral movements, but stem from various reasons some good, some bad, some very bad. The reason for movement is often survival. This is not an easy subject, but I wish to deal with it as openly and diversely as possible.

The call is open to everyone. Sessions last a day, and everyone is free to come and go as they please. If you wish to submit sounds or music please email us clearly stating as your subject MIGRATION to alisteningroom (at) if you wish to submit something which is not online please wetransfer it to the same address, again clearly stating the subject and your name in the message box. If you wish to write something about your submission please feel free to so do. All works will be published on our site and the sounds which are online will be linked.

The date and location of the session will be announced soon.

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